Modernizing Telework – Human Resources Enterprise Solution 

Modernizing Telework – Human Resources Enterprise Solution 

US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE – US FOREST SERVICE CENTRALIZING TELEWORK AGREEMENTS CASE STUDY Introduction Modernizing a Crucial Process at a Critical Time  The United States Forest Service (USFS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) manages 193...
Elevating Payroll to Cloud – Newpay Program Office

Elevating Payroll to Cloud – Newpay Program Office

GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION – QUALITY SERVICE MANAGEMENT OFFICE Elevating Payroll to the Cloud CASE STUDY Introduction Optimizing Payroll The General Services Administration’s (GSA) provides workplaces by constructing, managing, and preserving government buildings...
Making Policy Accessible – Single Family Housing 

Making Policy Accessible – Single Family Housing 

US DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT – FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION MAKING POLICY ACCESSIBLE CASE STUDY Introduction Developing a Mobile Handbook The US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) office of Single...